If you’re feeling at all uncomfortable or dissatisfied with your home, start with your windows. Then look to LLumar® for a smart residential window film solution for what may be bothering you: the hot spots in a room, the cost of cooling, or even the afternoon glare on your TV. We offer a variety of film products that can be installed quickly by professionals and deliver lifestyle benefits without costing a fortune.
LLumar SelectPro Exclusive
Spectrally selective window film significantly improves the performance of the glass in your home, without the mess and expense of full window replacement. Known for excellent heat protection, energy savings and a natural look that lets in loads of light, spectrally selective film is an ideal choice for homeowners wanting good performance that can barely be seen. LLumar® spectrally selective film comes in a range of shades from nearly clear to a subtle hint of neutral gray. Make your choice and expect multiple solar control benefits:
Ability to block more than 99% of skin- and interior-damaging UV rays
Eye-comforting glare reduction, and
Powerful heat control to help give your air conditioner a break.